Doing your mom DOT club

just reversed my crossposter's config to post from mastodon->twitter instead of the other way around

I am actually committing to this finally

hello twitter folks come on in the water's nice Essem character development! wait what are you using for this??

@jojobii using this atm but I might write my own instead

@grantawe been using this, might make my own to replace it later though ohhh sweet!

although... it only uses mastodon API... rip

@jojobii might be able to find a general ActivityPub->Twitter crossposter if you look around enough I doubt it, as to be efficient it'd want to hook into the server API, and each piece of AP software has different server APIs. Not that it's impossible but I doubt anyone in their right mind would make that

@esm >hes finally committing to the meme

@ipg the meme in question:

@esm what the fuck is a mastodon

@esm thanks musk for buying twitter, now people wont want to be on the shit site anymore

@esm yes!

@esm Is there a verification system on here?

@lain I am the real Nintendo of America, you can't prove otherwise

@NintendoAmerica then prove it

@lain Birdo is trans

@NintendoAmerica Cruelty Squad on Nintendo Switch

@ikukona @esm what the fuck is a devolver digital