Doing your mom DOT club

I know people had big feelings about the hellsite’s algorithm. But it would be nice if there was a system of curated feeds here.

Right now, it seems the choices are “limited stuff from my follows”, “random stuff on my instance”, and “all the random stuff”.

Is there an option I am missing?

@kikta hashtag feeds

@malwaretech I have figured out how to search them, but not subscribe to a feed. Might be a limitation of my app (Metatext). Will dig some more.

@kikta With all that Fediverse stands for, I doubt it. The closest thing I can think of is a bot that repeats/boosts messages based on its own judgement, but I think ideally you should be exploring different parts of the web, different websites and other portals to find people you want to follow. But maybe some instances run software that does allow something similar but without an algorithm, we'll see

@rayhammer sure, but I’m looking for recommendations from others, not necessarily artificially generated.

I don’t pine for the algorithm, but I also don’t want to be in an echo chamber. I enjoyed the dazzling variety of (non-toxic) views one could find in the old place.