Doing your mom DOT club

i missed seeing around the 2 people i had muted so i am now pledging to engage in "absolute fedi"

- no defederation
- no blocks or muting users
- muting threads allowed because i think this would be untenable otherwise, the two muted users were around their immense notification-generating potential and i would actually go nuts if i couldn't ever tap out

@rats If you're on Pleroma, you can look into the hellthread policy. It can unlist posts when they have more than the set amount of mentions

@rayhammer I think it wouldnt be in the spirit of things to have something like that he automated, i want to be confronted with it and need to make the decision

@rats fedimaxxing

@rats @rayhammer wasnt the specific inciting event for the fact that xenofemme had a hellthread policy set to 20

@rats it will only remove posts from the public timeline, they will still be accessible. I don't think folks will be much interested in discovering replies to a reply to a reply anyway

@kallisti @rayhammer that + i felt like i was inadvertently dragging xnfm to a weird corner so i wanted to move to leave xnfm more intact

@rats @rayhammer yea fair

@rayhammer that actually sounds like a good idea, I'll look into it

@kallisti @rats @rayhammer thats a thing?

@november @rayhammer @rats yea, you cant tag more than 20 people at once afaik?

@kallisti @rats @rayhammer why on earth would you want to dont you all have personal chat rooms

@kallisti @rats @rayhammer again why the last one i was in was tedious like i get rats' whole im gonna talk to everyone thing but there is no way you can look at most of those and say "yes a conversation definitely happened here"

@november @rayhammer @rats idk i think hellthreads are fun

@kallisti @rats @rayhammer at a certain point i think when the last 50 posts have all been the same things you gotta move on

or post 300 more